
Your workspace is the heart of Stent. This is where you create your campaigns, run your employee advocacy programs, and create growth for your company.

You have the ability to build several workspaces if you need to, each of which will work independently. Each workspace's management and invoicing is done separately.

Creating a new workspace

To create a new workspace, access your Administration center at the URL or by clicking the gear icon in the bottom left corner of your workspace.

The Administration button only appears if you are an administrator.

Click Workspaces in the left menu, then click the New workspace button in the top right corner of the screen.

Fill in the required fields, and then click Save modifications to confirm the creation.



Company name

Name of the organization attached to the space


Organization logo

Time zone

Default time zone for workspace members

First name

Contact person's first name

Last name

Contact person's last name


Contact person's email address


Type of plan you intend to use

You must have sufficient permissions to create new workspaces in your organization. Contact your administrator if you do not have them.

Workspace management

Each workspace is managed separately. In order to modify a workspace, click the Manage button.

You will then be redirected to your workspace management center. This center has its own interface and its own navigation menu. Each workspace has its own center.


The Account menu manages the basic information of your workspace.

Here, you can:

  • Modify the name of your workspace

  • Insert a logo for your workspace

  • Set the time zone

  • Choose the workspace general manager

Remember to always click Save modifications when you're done.


Last updated