
An invitation campaign allows you to send an invitation to LinkedIn contacts to join a workspace member's network, followed by a series of personalized follow-up messages.

Starting an invitation campaignFollowing invitation campaign activity

List of workspace invitation campaigns

You can access the list of a workspace's invitation campaigns by choosing Campaigns > Invites in the left menu.

Description of columns


Workspace member who is the invitation sender.

Name / Program

Name of the campaign and associated program, followed by the number of messages configured in the campaign, then the name of the source providing the contacts to use in the campaign.

Campaign naming rules


Campaign's state of health, which indicates the campaign's execution status.





The campaign was created during the day. No execution slot has yet been launched. The campaign will therefore start the next day.


The campaign has started, but the first campaign execution slot has not yet started. You can find out the start date by hovering over the icon with the mouse.


The campaign has started and an execution slot is in progress.


The campaign has started and an execution slot is in progress, but warnings were raised during the execution. You can get more details about the warnings by hovering the mouse over the icon.


The campaign has started and an execution slot is in progress, but errors were raised during the execution. You can get more details on the errors by hovering the mouse over the icon.


The campaign could not be started because fatal errors stopped its execution. You can get more details on the errors by hovering the mouse over the icon.

Today progress

Real time campaign execution monitoring.

Following invitation campaign activity


Campaign conversion ratio, calculated by the number of invitations sent and the number of invitations accepted, followed by a green indicator if the ratio is considered to be within the higher average observed, or a red indicator if the ratio is considered able to be improved. The tipping point value is 40%.


Indicates whether the campaign is active (green background) or inactive (red background). When active, a campaign runs according to the configured time zone and schedule.

Scheduling a campaign

Available actions


Allows you to modify an existing campaign.


Allows you to archive a campaign. An archived campaign is automatically stopped and no longer appears in the list of campaigns.

The archiving operation is irreversible.

Last updated