A finder allows you to build an audience of contacts or companies from different data sources.
The results can then be used to create segments or configure campaigns.
SegmentsCampaignsCreating a new finder
To create a finder, choose Audience > Finders in the left menu, then click the Create a finder button at the top right of the screen.
Types of results
You can use a finder to find people.
Finding contactsCompanies
You can use a finder to find companies.
Finding companiesList of workspace finders
You can access the list of a workspace's finders by choosing Audience > Finders in the left menu.
Description of columns
Source / Output / Name
The source and the output are represented by logos to help you recognize quickly what is the source of the finder and what is the output.
Member of the space defined as owner of the finder. The owner is usually the person who delegates their identity in order to connect to the data source, so they must be active for the finder to work.
The number of additional members of a finder can be indicated to the right of the owner's name. The names of additional members will appear when you hover your mouse over the number.
Managing finder membersState
The state indicates how many profiles from your source have been synchronised by Stent.
Scheduling a finderProgress
The progress represents with a percentage how many source profiles have been synchronized in Stent so far.
Indicates whether the finder is active (green) or inactive (red). Depending on the chosen data source, certain finders are intended to be run daily, either to retrieve the latest data (e.g. Google News) or to meet the quotas imposed by a data provider (e.g. LinkedIn).
When active, a finder runs according to the configured time zone and schedule.
Available actions
Allows modifications of the given finder.
View accounts
This view shows the synchronization status of all profiles in your source and allows you to export the data.
Execute now
Allows you to immediately start the finder process of synchronisation between your source and Linkedin.
Create a second identical Finder
Allows finder archiving. An archived finder is automatically stopped and no longer appears in the list of finders. The results found by the finder remain accessible and aren't deleted.
The archiving operation is irreversible.
This action stops the Finder and erases all previous synchronizations. The Finder will therefore become entirely blank and will start again from the beginning.
Last updated